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Willamette Valley NORML Willamette Valley NORML > Projects > CannaVentions, Conferences, Summits and such > Come join the CannaVention team!

The CannaVention project, your friendly, local neighborhood Convention on Cannabis Law Reform. The focus of the Cannavention is to look at Cannabis Law Reform in Oregon and discuss where we are and where we need to be going. Hopefully in unity. All aspects will be covered, Industrial, Medical & Re-legalization.

about The CannaVention More about The CannaVention. As it develops, especially ... Come join the CannaVention team!

about The CannaVention Objectives Our Objectives.

- CannaVention Objectives - establishing meetings and meet-ups on a regular basis</b>, ongoing discussions and resource networking.

<p align= You are receiving this email because you previously indicated to Dan Koozer on the dpfor list that you would be interested in helping to organize/coordinate/volunteer for the first ever Oregon Cannavention, a convention for cannabis activists and other interested parties, AND you have a demonstrated track record of being responsible, accountable, and showing good integrity & the ability to work cooperatively with others.

I have volunteered myself and our organization - Institute for Cannabis Therapeutics -- to take the lead in hosting/sponsoring/coordinating this event. I have previous professional experience organizing & coordinating conferences, specifically the Peaceful Settlements conferences which were hosted by Boise State University and Unversity of Alaska at Fairbanks, where the state-wide community participated in a variety of break-out sessions and learned how to implement conflict management/dispute resolution practices. (I've worked on many other conferences as well)

The people receiving this email are INVITATION ONLY to be on the CANNAVENTION ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. All other interested parties will be contacted once we have an idea or plan to move forward with. If you know of someone specific who has integrity, is able to cooperate in a synergistic manner and is willing to take on responsibility and be accountable for those responsibilities, please send me their name and email address with a copy to Dan Koozer. If you know of someone who would like to help/volunteer, we will keep that list also and contact them later.

I suggested to Dan Koozer that we first have a conference call within the next week to discuss our ideas with each other and recommend next steps.

For a starting point, I have offered the following ideas that may be built upon, but I am anxious to hear what your ideas are, and I will put together an agenda for our conference call given the ideas you send me. Unless you have another suggestion, I use www.freeconferencecall.com and will provide a phone number and PIN# once we have the date and time set for the call.

Steps to take:


2. Create specific teams and enlist TEAM CAPTAINS for specific project areas: PROGRAM DESIGN TEAM(who will be keynote speaker, what kind of break out sessions/topics of interest, possible mini-dispute resolution training for everyone, breaks & lunch, etc), MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP TEAM (includes creating graphic design for flyers, conference agenda, etc, calling all MMJ orgs to see if they want to co-sponsor &/or have a booth (lets keep prices as low as possible for maximum participation), LOGISTICS TEAM (locking in the location, dates, time, and all equipment services, food services, and other details), EVENT TEAM (Volunteer coordinator for the actual day of event), REGISTRATION TEAM, LEGISLATION TEAM (what are the various sources for upcoming cannabis legislation - like Todd's OMCRA and other) and other team ideas you have

3. Have an in-person meeting in Eugene for Team Captains and other interested parties this Nov/Dec

4. Select a date in Early/Mid Spring for the actual CANNAVENTION (unless you all think a different time of year would be better)

5. Each team has set goals and timeline , with follow=through and contingency plans

So - please respond and let me know if you are interested in being on the CANNAVENTION ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, and if so, what is the best time for the conference call between Tues evening (11/9) through out the week/week end to Tues (11/16).

Thanks to all of you for your interest and dedication to our community. Feel free to call me anytime: 541-690-7276 best, christine mcgarvin

Depending on the size of attedies we could use my building I certainly have the space. Iva Cunningham Alternative Medical Choices 503-288-5579

And more as you, the people, make it happen.


CannaVention examples, Cannabis Cups, local -- Eugene Cannabis Cup * Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 - 11:30am – 5pm * 2010 Eugene Cannabis Cup * at Voter Power Office, 687 River Ave., Eugene. Vendors, Speakers, Cannabis Awards, Information Booths. All proceeds will go to I-28 for Patients Rights to Safe Access to their Medicine. Contact: Jim Greig, 541-844-1220 -or- jimgreigads@yahoo.com

CannaVention examples, Cannabis Cups, local -- HEALING OREGON - Strains for Pain Competition * Saturday, September 18th, 2010 * HEALING OREGON - Strains for Pain Competition | Join OMCU as they bring some of the best medical cannabis in the state to the patients of Oregon. They will be evaluating strains for different ailments in a double blind study. Trophies will be awarded for the best strain.

All entrants must sign a participant contract and abide by the event rules. All entrants and participants must be valid OMMP cardholders. Application & rules packages are available at OMCU. (Oregon Medical Cannabis University), visit - http://www.oregonmedicalcannabisuniversity.com/ - for more on OMCU. Special accommodations available for those of you not in the immediate area. Please call 503-649-2999 for details.

Limited space available. Judges tickets & general admission tickets are already on sale! Event details will be provided upon ticket purchase. More info to be announced as they go. If you are interested in being an entrant, sponsor or participant please call for details. Or send them an email at info@omcu.net

Cannabis Cups, local - Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA) * Saturday, December 12-ish - 10am to 10pm, 2010 * The Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards should occur * The last Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA), took place at the Ambridge Events Center (300 NE Multnomah, Portland).

The event's daily activities were open to the public from 10am-5pm. Vendors of various medical cannabis and hemp-related products were for sale. Non-profit organizations offering educational materials. There was a Sustainable Fashion Show, including hemp clothing. Their legal panel examined the latest issues in medical cannabis. Speakers and demonstrations on the main stage educated and enlightened. Their special guest NORML Executive Director Allen St. Pierre gave the keynote address. The 7pm-10pm evening event was a ticketed banquet honoring the leaders and achievers in the field of medical cannabis in Oregon. Visit: > http://www.ornorml.org/omca

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