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Register, Vote and Get Everybody You Know To Do So Also Register, Vote and Get Everybody You Know To Do So Also. Then Get Everybody You Don't Know ... Yet! Click on this image and share the link. You'll be Glad You Did!

Willamette Valley NORML media Elections 101: New Voters. Thank you for your interest in voting in Oregon! Voting is how you can participate in democracy and make your voice count.

Your Vote Counts!  Register, Vote and Get EVERYBODY You Know To Do So Also! Does my vote really count? Absolutely, Yes! For example - In the 2002 election, in District 28 (southern Oregon), only 42 votes came between the two candidates. That means 22 votes would have changed the outcome, and close elections like this are not unusual. Next time, the vote that changes the outcome could be yours.

Just as with any other new activity, voting for the first time comes with questions and maybe even a little anxiety. The following information should help answer any questions you may have, ease the voting process, and empower you to become an active citizen.

If you have any questions please call the toll-free voter information line at 1-866-ORE-VOTE (1-866-673-8683). The voter information line is available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, se habla Espanol. TTY services for the hearing impaired are available at 1-866-350-0596. Additional voting resources are also available online at the Elections Division website; visit: www.sos.state.or.us/elections/elechp.htm.

Read the Voting in Oregon Guide www.uhavavote.org/votingguide/index.html. get to the link and others by visiting: www.oregonvotes.org/elec101.htm

The basics of Oregon State Voter Registration

You may register to vote in Oregon if:

      1. You are a resident of Oregon.
      2. You are a United States citizen.
      3. You will be 18 years old by Election Day.

To register to vote or update your current registration:

      1. Complete the Voter Registration Form (visit: www.sos.state.or.us/elections/votreg/sel500.pdf. The form is in a fillable .pdf format. Open the form using the free Adobe Acrobat© Reader and complete it online by tabbing through the fields and typing in the requested information.

      2. Print the completed form and sign it. Mail the form to your county elections office or drop it off in person.

      3. If you do not wish to complete the voter registration form online, you may print the form and complete it using black ink.

      Your county elections office will mail you a card to let you know that your registration was received. If you are registering in Oregon for the first time, your completed voter registration form must be postmarked by the 21st day before an election in order to vote in that election.

A voter who is unable, because of the disability, to sign their name should also complete the Signature Stamp Attestation form. If you have any questions, be sure to call your county elections office. Source: www.sos.state.or.us/elections/votreg/vreg.htm

Oregon Voter Registration Card. you may use this card to:. gregister to vote in Oregon. The deadline to register to vote is the 21st day before an election. Visit: www.sos.state.or.us/elections/votreg/sel500.pdf

a Voting in Oregon Guide :: registering to vote If this is your first time registering to vote in Oregon, you must register at least 21 days before, and more. Visit: www.uhavavote.org/votingguide/register.html

Related Links

A directory of Oregon candidates for Governor, State Cabinet, United State Senator and Congress in the current election cycle ... state political parties ... the official state election office ... and state news sources. Find out how to register to vote, read about issues, and join the Jackson County, Oregon, Democratic Central Committee. Visit: www.jcdemocrats.org

Voting In Oregon. The following are some important facts about voting in Oregon. With the General election coming up in November, you will soon be hearing a lot about issues that will affect your life. Registering to vote in Oregon is a very simple and quick process, and now that Oregon has vote-by-mail, the whole process is even easier. Watch for the Voters Pamphlet in the mail, and make a difference by voting! Visit: www.osbar.org/public/vote/Voting.htm

A note from the League Of Women Voters Of Oregon. Voters should understand a new law, passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2005, which prohibits participating in more than one nominating process. A voter must choose whether to (1) participate in the nominating process for an independent or third party candidate or (2) vote a partisan Primary Election ballot.

If registered Democrats or Republicans vote in the Primary, they can no longer participate in the nominating process for independent candidates. If minor party members participate in their party's nominating convention for a particular office, they can no longer sign a petition for an independent candidate for that office.

If you are registered as a Republican or Democrat and wish to sign a nominating petition for an independent candidate, LWVOR suggests re-registering by the April 25 deadline with your county elections office as "Not a Member of a Party." Re-registering would allow you to still vote the on the nonpartisan offices and measures in the Primary Election; voters who are not registered as Democrats or Republicans will receive ballots containing only these offices. After the Primary, you can register again with your party of choice. If you do not want to re-register, or have missed the deadline, the only way you can legally support the nomination of an independent candidate is if you do not vote at all in the Primary Election. For more, Visit: www.lwvor.org

Multnomah County Voter Information - Frequently Asked Questions. Visit by clicking here

Deschutes County Government, Oregon - Registering to Vote WHO MAY REGISTER TO VOTE? Anyone who is: ? A resident of Oregon;. ? A United States citizen, and. ? At least 18 years of age by Election Day. Click here.

Volunteer, read news, or register to vote on this site provided by the Democrats in Washington County, Oregon. visit: www.washcodems.org

State Voter Registration Deadlines - U.S. Government Info/Resources. This table shows the last day on which you can register to vote in each state, visit: usgovinfo.about.com/blvrdeadline.htm and State Voter Registration Requirements - U.S. Government Info/Resources visit: usgovinfo.about.com/blvrbystate.htm

BallotMeasure.com - Register to Vote in Oregon You can download the registration form from: ballotmeasure.com/others/registertovote.pdf (in PDF format). If you need the Acrobat Reader to read this file, you can get it here. Get your completed registration to your local county clerk at the address shown below. The county elections office will mail you a card to let you know that your registration was received. Please remember that for newly registered voters, the card must be postmarked by the 21st day before an election in order to vote in that election. If you have any questions, be sure to call your county elections office. Click here for more.

Bizness Interests
Caveat Emptor!

Voter Registration Service. They prepare your voter forms so you can legally vote in your state. How does it work?

  • They prepare all voter registration forms needed to register in your state - pre-filled with your information you provide them.

  • They then mail the voter registration documents to you thru US Mail (postage paid Approx. 5 - 10 business days.). You must sign the documents you receive after carefully reading over the information to be sure it is correct.

  • Once you sign the legal document, you will place it in an envelope they provide you that is pre-addressed to the correct state department that will process your form.

  • You will receive a voter registration card in the mail from your state department within 4 to 6 weeks after mailing in your registration.

That is all there is to it. They ask for a small fee of $6.95 plus a $3.00 postage and handling fee to conduct these services for you. This fee covers the cost of paperwork, postage, technology, and material. No other fees will occur. Visit: www.iwanttovote.com

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  posted Comments  
Wednesday, March 20 at 08:10 AM:
i from i wrote:
"Rock the Vote, http://www.rockthevote.com/"

Saturday, March 16 at 11:57 AM:
i from i wrote:
" "A Racial Entitlement" - The Right to Vote Benjamin Jealous; Joan Walsh February 28, 2013 "It no longer surprises me when extremist state legislators try to restrict our voting rights. I don't like it and we fight against it, but I'm no longer surprised by it." "What surprises and outrages me is that yesterday a Supreme Court Justice said that the protection of the right to vote is a 'perpetuation of racial entitlement.'" Benjamin Jealous, President and CEO, NAACP --- Let's think about those words and what they mean: "racial entitlement." Those words suggest undeserved privilege. They suggest that our right to vote doesn't need protection. We know it does. In Kilmichael, Mississippi, the all-white city council canceled an election when it became clear that black candidates might win. In Shelby County, Alabama, after a black man won elected office local legislators gerrymandered him out of office. Both of these injustices took place in the past ten years and both were remedied quickly because of Section 5 of the VRA. visit - http://portside.org/2013-02- 28/racial-entitlement-right- vote"

Saturday, March 16 at 11:55 AM:
i from i wrote:
" Voting Rights Act Faces Key Test in Supreme Court David G. Savage; NAACP February 19, 2013 Los Angeles Times The Supreme Court will decide whether to strike a key part of the Voting Rights Act, which conservatives say is outdated and unfair to the South. As many as 5 million votes may have been lost in 2012 had the U.S. Department of Justice not been able to use Section 5 to block voter suppression initiatives in Texas, South Carolina and Florida. Critics on the right agree the law was a success, but they contend it is now outdated and unfair to the South. They also say it is used mostly as a way to force states to draw electoral districts that favor black or Latino candidates. But liberal legal scholars have urged the justices to step back and pay attention to the history of the Reconstruction era. They are pointedly addressing the conservatives, led by Justice Antonin Scalia, who say the court should follow the actual words and original understanding of the Constitution. visit - http://portside.org/2013-02- 21/voting-rights-act-faces- key-test-supreme-court"

Saturday, March 16 at 11:52 AM:
i from i wrote:
" What's Next For the Voting Rights Movement? Brentin Mock February 1, 2013 The Nation A Florida coalition is working to amend the Florida state constitution so that it guarantees voting accessibility for all citizens—a state-level voting rights act. “We’re focusing on legislation that grants an explicit right to vote in Florida,” says Katherine Culliton- González. “It would aim at big picture issues and make voting a fundamental right so no election law changes could happen that would take us back in time.” Desmond Meade stood with his wife on the National Mall on that sunny Inauguration Day, listening to a speech delivered by a president he did not vote for. But he followed attentively, hoping to hear just a few words that might address a man like himself: African- American, one-time homeless, recovered from substance abuse, and formerly incarcerated. His felony status kept him from voting for Obama, because as a Florida citizen he is not eligible to vote at all. He would leave D.C. disappointed, not only because he heard nothing about felony disenfranchisement, but he also heard nothing from Obama about the unique problems impacting black men. visit - http://portside.org/2013-02- 08/whats-next-voting-rights- movement"

Saturday, March 16 at 11:50 AM:
i from i wrote:
" Why we still need the Voting Rights Act John Lewis February 24, 2013 The Washington Post This week the Supreme Court will hear one of the most important cases in our generation, Shelby County v. Holder. At issue is Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which requires all or parts of 16 “covered” states with long histories and contemporary records of voting discrimination to seek approval from the federal government for voting changes. John Lewis, a Democrat, represents Georgia’s 5th District in the U.S. House. On “Bloody Sunday,” nearly 50 years ago, Hosea Williams and I led 600 peaceful, nonviolent protesters attempting to march from Selma to Montgomery to dramatize the need for voting rights protection in Alabama. As we crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge, we were attacked by state troopers who tear-gassed, clubbed and whipped us and trampled us with horses. I was hit in the head with a nightstick and suffered a concussion on the bridge. Seventeen marchers were hospitalized that day. visit - http://portside.org/2013-02- 25/why-we-still-need-voting- rights-act"

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2012 Elections: Voting Rights Haven't Gotten Such Attention Since 1965. What Did We Learn?

Check Us Out A little over a week after the presidential election has ended, many voting rights watchers are reflecting on all that we learned through this year's campaigns: what went right, what went wrong, and the unresolved challenges that remain ahead. As for the overall takeaway, Advancement Project director Judith Browne-Dianis wraps it up nicely, saying, "The national conversation around voting rights was amplified like we haven't seen since 1965."

This year, more Americans arguably learned more about the voting process than any year in recent memory. Civil rights and election protection campaigns made people aware of things like the difference between a poll watcher and a poll observer; how people use data to purge voters; and what voters' general rights are while standing in poll lines. On a more nuanced level, the discussion around voter ID laws gave Americans a greater understanding of not only how many people don't have government-issued ID, but also the reasons why.

Probably most importantly, though, many Americans learned-or at least were reminded-about the history of our democracy, of how civil rights heroes helped the nation realize that democracy, by forcing an expansion of the electorate, which at core is an expansion of citizenship. "Americans began to recognize that democracy was under assault," says Browne-Dianis of the past year. "And rather than concede to this partisan effort to restrict their vote as an insurmountable setback, they saw it as a challenge to be met." Read more >>

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