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Willamette Valley NORML Willamette Valley NORML; Meeting * (Public) - held every 4th Saturday of the Month. Come to the meeting This is our Public Meeting web page, holding Agenda and Minutes of the upcoming / current meeting and links to previous. W-V-NORML holds Public Meetings to inform, educate Joe and Jane Citizen on The War and empower them with not just the what but how to do something about it. Visit the Library for Printable Agendas and Minutes. For on-line versions, Click here > for Feb, '09 <, here for May, '09 <, here for November, '09 <, here for January, '10 <, here for April, '10 <, here for October, '10 < and for May, '11 < click here.

Next Public Meeting to be held * Saturday, December 17th, 2pm * and Every 4th Saturday (*) the Willamette Valley NORML Public meeting will take place at the Voter Power Office in Eugene,, at 687 River Ave., Eugene, 97404-2513. (*NOTE: Excepting Holidays - Nov., Dec. - when it takes place 3rd Sat.!)

Agenda is generally local issues (busts, etc.) and national items - such as bills and action items; HempFest and related volunteer meetings, TV Show, Saturday Market (when in season) and more.


Everyone: Let us know of agenda items we've missed. Post it in the Bulletin Board for give us Feed Back.

Willamette Valley NORML Public Meeting Agenda for - 12/17/2011, 2:00 PM is

  • OCTA 2012 – refiled, gathering 1000 signatures to initialize initiative

  • Other Legislative items

  • EEH Activity

  • UofO’s SSDP Chapter activities

  • Donate, Sign Up & Spread The Word

Come on by, we've been looking for you.


    Dan "DanK" Koozer,
    Director, TV Show Producer, HempFester, etc.

* Next planned for Jan. 28th, Feb. 25th and Mar. 24th, same place. * Click here for more events. AND, make sure you are subscribed to our list-serve! to stay tuned to the latest on these and other items.

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When prompted, enter the participant access code, followed by the # key. Once connected to the free conference call, you will be able to talk. Please introduce yourself to the other participants.

If you are in a noisy environment please use the Mute Feature: Mute - Press *6 to mute your line. Press *6 again to un-mute the line.

We've included time limits on each subject. We've seen this done at other meetings and it works well to keep things moving and we try to keep meetings under 1.5 hours.

Thank you for visiting, Spread the Word!

  the Meeting Bulletin Board  

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  posted Comments  

Monday, February 7, 2011 at 12:46 PM:
david from eugene wrote:
" love that grower..... one of the , "ill give you and ounce a month for your 6 plants" growers. Wonder what he does with the rest.... FYI its easy to grow mj. its a WEED. 50 bucks will do it a month unless you need alot to maybe sell or give away....grow your own, put the idiot growers out of business..."

Monday, January 24 at 11:23 AM:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010 at 11:25 AM:
Just Sum Dude! from Eugene Area! wrote:
"Hey there patient Doug. You are lucky to have a grower at all. Try to find any place else in the world, where someone will give you free weed every month. HMMM can't think of any, BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY!!! I get so dam tired of hearing people complain about their grower .....it make's me wanna puke on my shoe!!! No offense but how much longer do you think that you will get free weed from any grower. Another year, two maybe three? I will never and would never, take on patients.....ever. Now that does not mean that I don't give product away. I take really good care of a few good people and I try hard to alway make sure that any and all terminal patients NEVER pay for my weed. But after doing this for over 30 plus years I will never ever put myself in a position where I have to deal with some dum ass complain and then tell me what to do, while I'm giving them free product. No thanks! Hey Doug why don't you go down and buy yourself a fricken light and GROW YOUR OWN!!! If someone is giving you free weed shut the hell up and take it while you can, cuz that aint going to last forever. One last piece of advice to all MMJ patients. If you are lucky enough to have someone that will give you free buds, don't complain about it. Even if they just started doing it and it still sucks. Not to worry they will eventually figure it out. It takes time, a lot of patients, hard work and dedication and it's not cheap either. This BS about it only costing 50-70 bucks a month to grow a patients six plants. WHAT THE F***K!!! Where in the hell do people get this shit from anyway. I piss a minium of 100 bucks at the grow shop looking thru the front door. And it's usually over 500 to walk out of it.

Like I said Doug go buy your own lights their cheap, and it's simple and anyone can do it. Go ahead, I double dare ya! LOL!!!! "

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 08:05 AM:
John from Coquille, OR wrote:
"Looking for closest place to me for dispensary and/or doctors. Choices so far are Medford or Eugene - about 3 hour drive one way - ugh! oscarmallard@yahoo.com "

Tuesday, November 23 at 09:39 AM:
Doug Hornaday from Eugene wrote:
"Hi, I am looking for someone to grow my medicine for me that grows organic. My grower now grows with chemicals and I am not happy with the results. Please contact me and let me know how you can assist me. Sincerely Doug Hornaday "

Monday, November 8 at 02:21 PM:
Womomma from Central WV wrote:
"looking for info on the smokin' longue off TV Hwy. "

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 10:31 AM:
Fay McKInney from Eugene, OR wrote:
"The fact that HEMP is a major resource and can help our communities in more ways then one! is a major reason to legalize it. Let me know how I can help. beadhappygirl@hotmail.com "

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 08:39 PM:
Jim Hickam from Salem, Oregon wrote:
"New Salem NORML chapter of Oregon, first meeting 12-5- 09 at 1 PM. Meetings every 1st Saturday. SalemNorml@hotmail.com for info or see OregonNorml.org "

Friday, November 6 at 08:22 AM:
Bill Becker from Eugene wrote:
"Are there any resources for those of us who have no place to grow our medicine? "

Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 03:26 PM:
clemens941@hotmail.com from Eugene OR. wrote:
" Will Medical Marijuana help in easing my inability to sleep. Are their legal sites in Eugene that sell it. "

Yes, it will help sleeplessness in most cases. No, there is no selling in Oregon (yet!) Here are some links to opportunities to network for medicine and to find a growing caregiver -

* Forums. A means to communicate and network on medical cannabis in Portland across Oregon and around the world. A list of Forums, Chat Rooms, Bulletin Boards and other Online Resources for the Medical Cannabis Patient, CareGiver, Family Member, Patient-to-Be and Other Interested Parties. Know any? Let everybody else know! Visit: http://www.mercycenters.org/orgs/Forums.html and Post It!

* Medical Cannabis Resource NetWork Opportunity for Patients as well as CardHolders-to-be. * whether Social meeting, Open to public –or- Cardholders Only * Let everybody know, visit: http://www.mercycenters.org/events/Meets.html

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