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  News Letters  
Articles. To see them on-line visit the NORML Archive.
DECEMBER - 2012: The Year In Review -- NORML's Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy; Study: Cannabis Use Associated With Decreased Prevalence Of Diabetes; Arizona: Judge Rules That State-Licensed Dispensing Of Medical Cannabis Is Not Preempted By Federal Law; Possessing And Cultivating Cannabis Now Legal In Colorado; Cannabis Possession Now Legal In Washington; and other Cannabis Law Reform News and Info.
WVN_1212.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1212.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 1/1/2013
NOVEMBER - Marijuana Legalization Wins Big On Election Day, Neither Measure Amends The States' Existing Medical Marijuana Laws; Prosecutors In Colorado And Washington Continue To Dismiss Marijuana Cases; New York City: Those Arrested For Minor Pot Offenses Unlikely To Subsequently Commit Violent Crimes; Massachusetts: NORML Files Friend Of Court Brief - Argues That Sharing A Marijuana Cigarette Is Not Criminal Distribution; Poll: Majority Of Americans Under Age 65 Support Legalizing Marijuana; and other Cannabis Law Reform News and Info.
WVN_1211.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1211.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 12/1/2012
OCTOBER - Happy Birthday, Jerks ... Cannabis Prohibition Turns 75-Years-Old; End Criminal Sanctions For Growing And Cultivating Cannabis, British Study Says; Cannabis Agonists Produce Anti-Cancer Effects In Human Liver Cancer Cells; New York: Governor Says He Won't Consider Pay Increases For Lawmakers Until Politicians Address Marijuana Reforms; Appeals Court Hears Arguments Challenging Cannabis' Prohibitive Classification; and other Cannabis Law Reform News and Info.
WVN_1210.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1210.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 11/1/2012
SEPTEMBER - Most Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Leading In Polls, Former DEA Heads Urge Justice Department To Oppose the Will Of The People; House Bill Would Stop Federal Forfeiture Actions, Nine co-sponsors introduce HR 6335 to protect state-authorized businesses Federal property forfeiture actions targeting state-authorized medical cannabis businesses would be stopped if a new House bill becomes law.; Montana: Supreme Court Says Patients Possess No Fundamental Right To Cannabis; Study: Synthetic THC Analogue Mitigates Diabetic Neuropathy, Is 'Well Tolerated' In Patients; Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Vacillates On Medical Marijuana Issue; and other Cannabis Law Reform News and Info.
WVN_1209.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1209.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/15/2012
AUGUST - Drug Tests For Cannabis Exposure Not Advisable For Infants, Study Says; Study: "There Is Now Clear Evidence That Cannabinoids Are Useful For The Treatment Of Various Medical Conditions"; Cannabis, Other Illicit Drugs, Associated With "Small Or Moderate Increases In Accident Risk," Study Says; Multiple Potential Beachheads for Legalization in Pot War Loom this November; DEA: Marijuana Plant Seizures Down 35 Percent Nationwide - In The Meantime, Asset Forfeture Reaches All Time High – Now, How Does That Happen?; and other Cannabis Law Reform News and Info.
WVN_1208.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1208.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 9/1/2012
JULY - Emerald Empire HempFest Celebrates 10th Annivsersary; Common-Sense Marijuana and Hemp Regulation Makes Oregon Ballot as Measure 80; (Just!) 3 Accounting Tricks the Obama Administration Uses to Hide the Cost of the Drug War; There's Been a Tectonic Shift on Marijuana Across the US, Except in Washington -- Why Can't We Pop the Beltway Bubble?; Schedule I Prohibitive Status For Pot "Untenable," Scientists Say; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1207.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1207.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 7/20/2012
JUNE - Chicago: City Council Reduces Marijuana Possession To A Non-Arrestable Offense; New York: Governor Endorses Legislation To Halt Tens Of Thousands Of Marijuana Possession Arrests; Rhode Island: Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Signed Into Law; Study: Medical Marijuana Legalization Is Not Accompanied By Increases In Teen Cannabis Use; Connecticut: Medicinal Marijuana Legalization Measure Signed Into Law; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1206.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1206.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 7/1/2012
MAY - Oregon Medical Cannabis Community Rallies, Prohibitionist Candidate Crushed in AG Primary Race: Activists Now Focus on Current and Potential Representatives and Initiatives to be on Ballot in November; Three Out Of Four Americans Believe Obama Administration Should "Respect" States' Medical Marijuana Laws; Connecticut To Become 17th State To Allow For The Legal Use Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes - "Today is a day of hope, compassion and dignity," says Connecticut NORML; Administration Of Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Mitigates Psychotic Symptoms In Schizophrenics; Study: Non-Psychotropic Plant Cannabinoids Counteract Prostate Cancer Growth; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1205.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1205.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 6/1/2012
APRIL - Six National Drug Policy Organizations Call on President Obama to End Unnecessary Assault on Medical Marijuana Providers: Coalition to President Obama: "It is time for a new approach on marijuana policy." ; Obama Not Going "To Turn The Other Way" Regarding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; THC Seldom Detected In Injured Dutch Drivers; Drug Czar Reiterates Government's Opposition To Domestic Hemp Production; Rasmussen Poll: Plurality Of Americans Support Legalizing And Taxing Cannabis; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1204.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1204.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 5/1/2012
MARCH - Forty Years And Still Waiting: National Commission On Marihuana Recommends Decriminalizing Cannabis; White Paper: Drug Testing Results Often Inaccurate, Unreliable; Many Cannabis Users Substitute Booze For Pot After Age 21, Study Says; Mayo Clinic Proceedings: "Bureaucratic Hurdles ... Interfere With Legitimate Cannabis Research"; Government's Crackdown On Medicinal Cannabis Not Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1203.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1203.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 4/1/2012
FEBRUARY - US Drug Enforcement Administration Targets Montana State Lawmaker Over Her Advocacy For Medical Marijuana; Study: Passage Of Medical Marijuana Laws Correlated With Fewer Suicides - "Policymakers weighing the pros and cons of legalization should consider... that (these) laws may lead to fewer suicides"; Detroit: Court Of Appeals Rules That 2010 Legalization Initiative Should Have Gone Before Voters; New York City: Low-Level Pot Arrests Soar Despite Police Commissioner's Objections; Medical Marijuana Laws Have No Discernible Adverse Impact On Adolescents' Use, Study Says; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1202.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1202.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 3/1/2012
JANUARY (2012) - Eleven Percent of North Americans Use Cannabis, Global Study Says; U. S. Federal Government Continues Crackdown On Medical Cannabis Providers; Wider Use Of Cannabis Therapy Could Reduce Prescription Pain Drug Deaths; Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Inhibits Colon Cancer Cell Proliferation; Marijuana Use Not Associated With Residual Cognitive Decline Later In Life; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1201.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1201.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 2/1/2012
SPECIAL ISSUE - Cannabis = Medicine, Updated NORML Report Highlights The Role Of Pot In Moderating Disease Progression -- ‘Emerging Clinical Applications’ Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On Therapeutic Use Of Marijuana; Teen Pot Use Falling in States With Medical Marijuana Laws; US Investigators Praise Cannabinoids As Chemo Treatment; and other Medical Cannabis News.
WVN_08med.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_08med.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2008

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